Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How Pa Sexton Changes In The Story "Split Cherry Tree"

Pa Sexton, is the dynamic character of the story "Split Cherry Tree" also the father of his last child Dave. Pa Sexton develops/changes over the story because he becomes reawaken for understanding that hes older now and not everything is the same from now in his son Daves life then back in his day as a child. Meaning that the spilt cherry tree symbolizes Pa Sexton.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Diffuse (verb) - spread or cause 
Fecund (adjective) - fertile, able to produce offspring
Suffuse (verb) - gradually spread out
Goad (verb) - provoke or annoy
Inaugurate (verb) - introduce
Squander (verb) - waste in a foolish manner
Cavort (verb) - jump or dance around excitedly
Sever (verb) - divide by cutting or slicing
Prosaic (adjective) - unromantic
Paraphernalia (noun) - equipment needed for a certain task
Inertia (noun) - remain unchanged 

The Lady Or The Tiger

    The lover boy had chosen the left door intending to pick the complete opposite door that the princess had told him to choose, knowing that she could never bare seeing him with someone else, but he did'ent want to die young. As he reached to the left door. The princess screamed "please" cauesing everyone to glare at her, it didnt faze him he jumped torwards the door with a smirk on his face and opened it.
His face turned white as he looked into the eyes of a fierce tiger and started running around the ring. The king started laughing with enjoyment as the princess started shouting at the king "stop daddy! 
The lover boy looked rediculouse as he ran around the ampatheater imploring the king to stop the madness but the king was filled with enjoyment as the tiger ate the lover boy alive.
      That night the princess couldnt sleep knowing that she decided his fate but she new that he would choose the opposite door and she was proud because she couldnt bair to see him with anyone else and if he would have chose the door with the lady she would of had to kill her to .

THe Cask Of Amontillado Story

"Hello hello! Hellllllllllllo!" Fortunato yelled. Thinking he had woken up from a terrible dream but didnt realize that it was all real. Fortunato felt the left wall and right and tryed to pull on the chains with all his might and eventually dislocated his left arm. He screamed liked a little baby and poored out all his regrets as he finnally understood that it was all real.                            As he stood there in the silence of the catacombs, He heard a noise he sat there for a few moments and heard it again he shouted hello! hello! and eventually heared digging from the bottum left corner  it was a rat a fierce rat with glowing red eyes. Fortunato was shoked with his mouth wide open for about a minute both the rat and fortunoto made eye contact, but the rat made the first move and rapidly started eating Fortunato alive. And know one has touched Fortunatos bones forever.